Publication details

Recent Developments in the Evolution of Morphologies and Controllers for Physically Simulated Creatures

Tim Taylor, Colm Massey

Karl Sims’ work on evolving body shapes and controllers for three dimensional, physically simulated creatures generated wide interest on its publication in 1994. The purpose of this paper is threefold: (1) to highlight a spate of recent work by a number of researchers in replicating, and in some cases extending, Sims’ results using standard PCs (Sims’ original work was done on a Connection Machine CM-5 parallel computer). In particular, a re-implementation of Sims’ work by the authors will be described and discussed; (2) to illustrate how off-the-shelf physics engines can be used in this sort of work, and also to highlight some deficiencies of these engines and pitfalls when using them; and (3) to indicate how these recent studies stand in respect to Sims’ original work.

Full text
  • Author preprint: pdf
  • On publisher's website: via DOI

Taylor, T., & Massey, C. (2001). Recent Developments in the Evolution of Morphologies and Controllers for Physically Simulated Creatures. Artificial Life, 7(1), 77–87.


  author = {Taylor, Tim and Massey, Colm},
  title = {Recent Developments in the Evolution of Morphologies and Controllers for Physically Simulated Creatures},
  journal = {Artificial Life},
  volume = {7},
  number = {1},
  pages = {77--87},
  year = {2001},
  publisher = {{MIT} Press Journals},
  doi = {10.1162/106454601300328034},
  category = {journal},
  keywords = {physics}

Videos of some of the creatures evolved during this work can be found on YouTube.

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