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Launch of Enchanted Bit website and Whittle app
13 Nov 2023
I am pleased to announce the launch of my new Enchanted Bit website, which will showcase some of my projects and side-projects on topics relating to Artificial Life and more. With the tagline Artificial Life and AI in words and software, it covers both software apps and print books.
The first app featured on Enchanted Bit is called Whittle and is online now! Whittle provides help when playing the popular word game Wordle. I wrote it as a learning exercise when teaching myself the Dart language and its Flutter UI framework.
I’m interested in Dart and Flutter because of their impressive cross-platform capabilities, enabling the same source code to be compiled for desktop platforms (Windows, MacOS, Linux), mobile (Android and iOS) and the web (Javascript and WebAssembly). I am now planning on creating some ALife-based apps using these tools.
Enchanted Bit also has details of the upcoming publication of a new print edition of a sci-fi story originally published in 1903, about the creation of synthetic life in a test tube and its subsequent evolution. The book is called The Prots: A Weird Romance, written by an author using the pseudonym “Dudbroke”. Watch out here for more information in the next few weeks when the book is published!